
21 Aug 2018

Primaris Knight of the Chalice - Repulsor tank

It's been quite some times since the last article, I had planned to post it sooner but between life, being sick for few days, the heat and the release of battle for azeroth, I admit the hobby has been side tracked a bit.

Being level max and not much interest past the actual storylines mean I can go back to my miniatures!

Repulsor - Pride of the second company, terror of the battlefield and personnal ride for Captain Beshop

The tank was finished a few weeks ago, but I never posted the picture here.
Let's correct this.

The mighty repulsor, also called "wait, where is my check list for the weapons"!

I wasn't totally convinced when this kit was released but I admit it grow on me.

I still made some minor converting, specificaly on the turret, which was too clustered for my taste.
I put the rocket launcher on the front panel instead of the turret and cut the little peg to hold them, I'm no genious since I saw this modification on instagram, being honest...

A few fun effects were tested; on the gatling canon trying to represent the heat bloom, I used the new head from the blood angels primaris upgrade sprue also.
Big panels mean I had to add some shading on the red to make it pop, I use some purple ink to give it more depth.

Also special chapter mean no decals, so enjoy the freehand, the one on the back door was quite challenging to do :)

Space marines primaris repulsor
Space marines primaris repulsor
Space marines primaris repulsor
Space marines primaris repulsor
Space marines primaris repulsor
Space marines primaris repulsor
Space marines primaris repulsor
Close up on the pilot

You can also enjoy the fact that my lightbox is too small for this beast.

Next articles, I'll present my aggressor which ride on the repulsor with my captain, and normally a quick tutorial on the red!


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