
2 Jan 2019

2018 Retrospective - Happy new year!

Let me begin by whising you all an happy new year ! 

2018 have been a very productive year on many front, the main highlight being engaged now!

I've never painted as many minis as this year, ported by this awesome community and the different interactions from social media. 
2018 saw also the creation of this blog to keep track and share my painting recipe, being asked more and more about my painting on instagram, facebook or forums.

In six month, the blog had 30'000 visitors over 18 differents articles, the tutorials being the clear winner; a massive thank you for your interested ! 
I hope to bring some new interesting content for you this year too!
If you would be interested in some specific article or content, feel free to make you're suggestions in comments!

On the hobby side, this year saw a clear out of my cabinet, having accumulated enough armies and plastic sprues for another life. I decided to concentrate my effort on one army for 40k and start one for Age of sigmar with Nighthaunt and the amazing starting box. 

I've been pretty bad with warhammer underworlds with all the warband so far and only one painted though. The champion of death were a late crush with our little group picking up blood bowl again.
Also my pictures were printed in the white dwarf 3 times and finished second on the ead'banger competition on the Eavier metal group, as I said, good year!

Controling the feeling of "Oh shiny!" and keeping to my grand scheme, the tally of this year painting consist of:

Warhammer 40k - Knight of the Chalice:

  • 1 Repulsor tank
  • 1 Captain in gravis armor (which is still going around the internet, really like this guy)
  • 4 Aggressors to go with him
  • 1 Special Raven guard contemptor on an exposition base, as a gift for my little brother, an article will probably come for it
Anamnesis studio
Captain Beshop, probably the coolest mini I've done

Age of Sigmar - Nighthaunt:

  • 20 Chainrasp, the biggest unit I've ever done
  • 1 Knight of Shroud on stead
  • 1 Guardian of souls
  • 1 Lord Executionner
  • 1 Spirit torment 
Anamnesis studio
Mister Wobble 

Warhammer underworld:

  • Severin's steelheart warband and a fun exercise in NMM with full tutorial
  • 6 of the 7 member the skellies band but I never finished the leader
Anamnesis studio
I'm really proud of them, they really pushed my painting
And the latest, one ball for blood bowl! I just magnetized the ball, but it's pretty cool in game  

The last two month have been pretty busy, I had planned to finish the Astraeus but I took way longer than expected, even to just build this tank. It should be finished by the end of january, emperor's willing.
Anamnesis studio
The techmarine on the Astraeus
Anamnesis studio
Doing some details work on the screen
That's a total of 40 models painted, I can hardly believe it to be honest (and almost one massive piece of resin).

My painting has also improved on many levels, understanding the value of differents technics for better expressing the texture and materials instead of only focusing on smoothness at all cost.

Getting more use of my airbrush has been a focus throughout the months and the year ended with the new kimera kolors which are pure pigment but have a limited range, expect a review soon-ish! (Spoiler alert: I love them).

Into 2019

There are quite a few things planned for 2019 including a wedding, but here a short idea of what's in the pipeline:

Finish to paint the five reaver to have 1000 pts painted finally, I would like to do the inceptor aswell
Convert a librarian, a standard bearer and a redemptor dread
Maybe paint my undead blood bowl team
Try to paint some nighthaunt other than heroes...
Anamnesis studio
Quick conversion !
Anamnesis studio
Brother Gabriel, Keeper of the company's standard, still wip though
And I will continue to report my adventure throughout the year on this blog.

Thanks for your visit and may the paint be with you!


  1. Enjoy your wedding man! Looking forward to seeing more from you in the coming year.

    1. Thanks mate! There is soooo many things I wand to do!
