7 Feb 2023

[Retrospective] 2022 is gone, where are we so far

Hello dear readers and wandering people,

It's been a while since the last post, not that I've been inactive as life in general has been pretty busy, but I haven't found much to write about.

With the explosion of youtuber/patreon/online course and other kinds of tuition, I didn't really see much interest in doing more tutorial, but I have people asking for recipe or tutorial and this blog is still receiving visit every day and mostly on tutorial post, so I'll try to keep uploading some of them whenever I can.

I also came to the realisation, even with all the videos in the world, I much prefer reading explanations and seeing picture than actually watching a video as I tend to get bored and just end up doing something else without really watching it. So maybe there are other people in this case? Let me know!
If a tutorial is not necessary, I might just write the colour on the picture or on the post, so you can have a reference, what do you think?

Beginning of the new year (a bit late I know) also mean time for the tally! Let's see what I've been painting this year:


  • Ghoul king on terrorgheist

  • Alternative scheme for dok with a slaughter queen (discontinued)
  • 11 Sisters of slaughter (including the one from the underworld warband)
  • 9 Shadowstalkers
  • High gladiatrix

  • Gotrek with the biggest tutorial I ever made for redgrass (available here and base here)

  • Chaos sorceress Mylenor
  • 4 Khagra's ravager


Almost a full custodes army, I didn't realise this was all painted this year
  • 5 Custodes guards
  • Achillus dread with a nice tutorial for the weapon
  • Galatus dread
  • Caladius grav tank
  • Palas grav tank
  • Aleya
  • 5 sisters of silence
  • Blade champion
  • Cool conversion of Trajann Valoris (biggest I’ve done so far)
  • Kharon pattern acquisitor
  • 3 Venatari
  • 3 Sagittarum guard

  • 1 Inquisitor
  • Argel tal commissioned (it's definitely not for me)


  • 1 Titanicus warhound titan

  • One reaver started then sold

  • Tried and failled to paint a bust
  • Tried and failed to start skaven
  • Tried and failed to restart nighthaunt
  • Tried and failed to restart sisters of battle
As you can see this was *interesting* loads of failed attempt at things but also 56 minis painted 

I did a few more tutorial, the lightning weapon on my custodes was the one with the most visit, I wrote a huge page with all the tools and paint I recommend here if you missed it  
Going back to slaves to darkness was also a nice trip in nostalgia lane but I enjoy the new range immensely, this was my army in my teenage year 😛

One of the things I realised this year, I don't feel good when I have a huge backlog, this is stressing me out and make my mind split between all the things I "need" to paint to progress. So, I mostly decided to be more aware of my purchase and try to avoid buying stuff in the heat of the moment. For the same reason, I try to sell everything that I will not go back to, painted or not (Marie kondo style) and it's actually a relief. It's still pretty hard to resist Fomo but I'm trying my best
Seriously, I bought and sold so much it's just ridiculous

Now I just need to learn how to be happy with the army I paint for more than 2 month, and I should be good ahem

Second year of being a dad and honestly, this has been the most wonderful time ever, though quite challenging at time, on to many more!

Also, I've been lucky enough to now be sponsored by redgrass games, which is pretty awesome as I really love their product so far, I had my eyes on their new lamp for a long time and I had the visit of Vivien who's the co-founder of the company to present me this beauty, it felt pretty overwhelming to be honest but also really kind of him to come visit me, I can't wait! You can get notified for the kickstarter here !

This year I'm going to focus on doing what I have in stock and try hopefully to paint what I received for my secret santa, a few custodes and a blood bowl team are waiting for me!

Happy painting

Anamnesis out ! (and about)