28 Jun 2019

[Showcase] Starting Sylvaneth - Dryads and Branchwych

Hello dear readers!

Busy month and heat mean it has been some time since the last article, but here I am again!
I was planning to redo the design of the blog, but it will come later.

Since I've sold my nighthaunt, I needed a new army for AoS.
I love the sylvaneth aesthetic and the new battle tome announcement plus the arch revenant miniature just convinced me if I ever needed any help. (N.B., I don’t) 

As side note, my mate confidence on painting an army has been boosted with contrast paint, so the new challenge is to finish 1000 points each for age of Sigmar by the end of the year!
Expect to see NMM for this army to keep the organic feel, I’m no Lan, but I’ll try to my best to have a convincing effect.

You saw the first few dryads for testing the scheme on my last two tutorials, the process is still in evolution but it’s getting better and faster.

Here is the complet squad for my first entry! 30 are still waiting to be build… few.

Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio

And the old batch

Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio

Even with the kit being a few years old, I still really enjoy painting them. Cleaning them is another story, removing the mould lines on the branches is a right pain. 
You can play "Spot the difference" between the fresh batch and the last one if you're bored, a few things are different.

Lady of the wood

I started the branchwych after the first 5 dryads, choosing to complement my painting scheme proved to be a difficult task to say the least and I’m still fiddling with it. Many things had to be repainted a few times to find something I was happy with. 

I tried to include as many nuances as possible in the blade, to have something magical.
To differentiate the hand of the blade, I painted a softer wood like birch with a warmer tone, which contrast with the black “hands”. Fuchsia was used for the hair just because the paint is really nice, simple choice!
I made a tiny waterfall on the base to see how it worked after seeing something similar on Instagram, inspiration is everywhere!

Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio
Anamnesis studio

Not everything worked as I thought but the mini is finished! Mainly, the spite is a bit rough.

Hope you stay with me on the road to painting 1000 points of sylvaneth since it's already mid-year and I need to move quickly now!

So, what’s next in the pipeline?
A tutorial on the blade will be made as requested on social media.
I’m also planning on entering the Everchosen competition with my Arch revenant, an article about painting for “competition” standard and my train of thoughts on the subject will probably be written.
As always, if you have any subject you would like to see, feel free to write them in comment!

Thanks for visiting the blog even with no new article and see you soon-ish!
